You may need to resubmit files if any layout concerns were found during the courtesy review process. Resubmitted files will overwrite the original data, and you will not need to enter payment details again.
Resubmit JPEG Files
- Make necessary layout revisions.
- Save a high resolution JPG file of your new layout.
- Log into your AsukaBook account.
- On your Homepage, scroll down to the Recent Orders section, and click on the Resubmit File link.
- Click on the Edit button.
- Drag and drop the revised file.
- Click on the Continue button.
- Confirm product details, then click on the Continue button.
- Click on the Continue button.
- Click on the Yes button to transfer the files.
IMPORTANT: If you do not see a confirmation page or receive a confirmation email, the files did not transfer successfully. For further assistance, contact
Customer Care.
Resubmit PDF Files
Ensure that the book details in the new file match the original order.
- Make necessary layout revisions.
- Export a print ready order file from AsukaBook Maker.
- Log into your AsukaBook account.
- On your Homepage, scroll down to the Recent Orders section, and click on the Resubmit File link.
- Click on the Edit button.
- Drag and drop the revised file.
- Click on the Continue button.
- Click Yes to continue or No to upload additional files.
- Click on the Continue button.
- Click on the Continue button.
- Click on the Yes button to transfer the files.
IMPORTANT: If you do not see a confirmation page or receive a confirmation email, the files did not transfer successfully. For further assistance, contact
Customer Care.