Access the system using AsukaBook Maker's integrated syncing feature or upload your JPEG files to your AsukaBook account and sync to the proofing website.
Users can access the proofing admin interface to set up the product design viewing preferences, customize the pre-set email templates, add users, email clients product layout links for proofing, and view comments.
Share your AlbumLayout link with your client for review and approval of the album design. They will have the ability to view the album design and slideshow, add, send and review comments, request replacement images, and approve the layout using a computer, tablet, or mobile device.
This is a slideshow sample customized with the studio logo as the first slide, and contact information as the last slide.
Slideshow Branding
Customize your album design slideshows with opening and closing slides that can also be linked to your website, social media, etc!
Social Media Sharing
Add options to share the slideshow on Facebook and Twitter for your clients to show their friends and family. Take advantage of this feature to advertise on your social media sites too!
Video Download
Allow users to download a video file of the slideshow, after the album design has been approved, to save and share it forever!