
Social and Environmental Responsibility

We strive to be an environmentally responsible business in our community and we thank you for your interest and support in our efforts to promote a successful, healthy and sustainable environment.

Bend, Oregon Office

Hiroshima, Japan Production Facility

Japan bolsters very strict building codes that not only saved many lives in the 2011 earthquake but are also considered highly eco-friendly. Because of the strict standards, Tokyo suffered minimal damage to its buildings, including our headquarters, reducing the need for new building materials.

Other measures taken within the production facility include streamlined processes to reduce waste and cost. Albums with mistakes are donated to local elementary schools and misprinted pages are made into writing pads for kindergarten classes. Our production also provides albums to local non-profits so that they may use funding for social and environmental projects.


AsukaBook ships our beautiful products worldwide. We share the love of our community with global community by committing to:
  • Using recycled craft paper to protect your AsukaBook during shipping
  • Reuse shipping materials whenever possible
  • Cardboard and paper recycling
  • Paperless invoicing
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